Elegant Outdoor Summer Table Settings
Since most of us will be spending some time outdoors and out of the city or at the beach these next few months, here's a great few outdoor inspired summer table settings. For everyone's little get togethers. Though some of these could also be appropriated for weddings equally as well I think. The concept is simple. Keep things bright, light, airy, and white based to allow the strong effusiveness of the summer light. Natural and textured beige or wood can be mixed in to create a tonal and textural range and to give some feel. With the incredibly vibrant spring and summer bloom colors of floral and foliage to accent powerfully.

Elegant And Chic White Outdoor Summer Table Settings. A gorgeous table setting on the beach. You can think of these as background, middle ground, foreground. The little white table as a backdrop, natural placemats in the middle range, and a powerful floral centerpiece with deep vibrant and iridescent greens in the foreground. Love the lanterns here as well.

Elegant And Chic White Outdoor Summer Table Settings. A gorgeous table setting on the beach. You can think of these as background, middle ground, foreground. The little white table as a backdrop, natural placemats in the middle range, and a powerful floral centerpiece with deep vibrant and iridescent greens in the foreground. Love the lanterns here as well.

Elegant And Chic White Outdoor Summer Table Settings. A gorgeous table setting on the beach. You can think of these as background, middle ground, foreground. The little white table as a backdrop, natural placemats in the middle range, and a powerful floral centerpiece with deep vibrant and iridescent greens in the foreground. Love the lanterns here as well.

Elegant And Chic White Outdoor Summer Table Settings. From the beach to the garden. This is even simpler than the beach example. Everything white. Really allows the green to explode beautifully.

Elegant And Chic White Outdoor Summer Table Settings. This is actually inside but it's got the right feel. I could see bringing all of this outside for the day. Old white wood table with just a touch of color here and there. Really simple, casual, and elegant.

Elegant And Chic White Outdoor Summer Table Settings. Inside again, but I chose it because of these great chairs. If you're going to deviate off of the white scheme, you can see how this old wooden set would be a great option. Maybe in a sun room, screened in porch, or covered terrace. There's something about the summer which is inherently nostalgic I think, and which is why old pieces seem to work well.

Elegant And Chic White Outdoor Summer Table Settings. Getting a little more detailed now. A simple old piece of wood looks great. Just some white candles, and again the powerful floral piece to finish everything off. I should say also, glass and in this case metal or any clean reflective material for that matter is great as a container for floral centerpieces in the summer.

Elegant And Chic White Outdoor Summer Table Settings. This is a product I found recently which I think is perfect for this discussion. I love that it's loosely woven. Thus, not solid and heavy looking. It's natural and neutral. It's the perfect table runner for the summer season.
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