Thursday, June 9, 2011


So there are apparently alot of Meagan lovers out there. The post below this one.

Today we move as promised from beauty to vanity. How perfect and ironic. There's a million ways you could go when considering mirrors, but let's try to keep it relatively simple for the moment. Personally I love oversized mirrors. Or at least big. Size does matter after all. Stylistically, you have a decision to make. Either ornate, antique, and distressed. Or clean, elegant, and modern. So I included some examples of both because I think they are equal in application. Mirrors are one of those elements that can completely define a space on their own. This is obvious in the first couple of images. But the second to last image is less so. In this image, the mirror is somewhat smaller and offset or not immediately in focus. Yet it's still highly integral. I can't imagine either space without the mirror exactly where it is. Sometimes you need it for medium sized areas of blank wall to cover, and add another visual layer. While it's simultaneously adding yet another abstract element to spatial composition of the room in general. And the very last image is the total flip where the wall is a mirror in itself. Yet another great idea.


Design And Lifestyle New York Big Oversized Floor Standing Mirror In Interior

Mirrors In Home Interior Design. Large floor standing mirrors are extremely powerful. They can make a room in themselves. But they also don't take up that much floor space which is ideal for city apartments on the small side.

Design And Lifestyle New York Big Oversized Floor Standing Mirror In Interior

Mirrors In Home Interior Design. Large floor standing mirrors are extremely powerful. They can make a room in themselves. But they also don't take up that much floor space which is ideal for city apartments on the small side.

Design And Lifestyle New York Big Oversized Floor Standing Mirror In Interior

Mirrors In Home Interior Design. Simple, elegant, modern mirrors can be used more like abstract elements in the spatial composition.

Design And Lifestyle New York Big Oversized Floor Standing Mirror In Interior

Mirrors In Home Interior Design. Simple, elegant, modern mirrors can be used more like abstract elements in the spatial composition.

Design And Lifestyle New York Big Oversized Floor Standing Mirror In Interior

Mirrors In Home Interior Design. Mirrors as centered or as focal points.

Design And Lifestyle New York Big Oversized Floor Standing Mirror In Interior

Mirrors In Home Interior Design. Offset mirrors. These are not immediately in view, yet integral. I particularly love this mirror on the left.

Design And Lifestyle New York Big Oversized Floor Standing Mirror In Interior

Mirrors In Home Interior Design. Walls as mirrors in themselves. Another great idea!

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