A few weeks back I did a post on rustic bedroom ideas that seems to have gone over quite well. Apparently there are a lot of people out there looking to make things a bit more textural at home. Here's the post for reference,
Ideas For A Rustic Bedroom Retreat. And so for today, I decided to cruise around Anthropologie and pull up some more great options for those looking to pursue this route. I love all of the below. And think most of them will work with what you've already got. In general I think it's safe to say that Anthropologie has a really nice thing going with furniture. It's a kind of rustic modern that I think strikes a nerve. Combined with a little bit of funkiness, it's chic and playful at the same time. So all of the below are from there, with a link provided below each image to the furniture section of the website for easy reference. Enjoy!
Interior Design, Chic And Rustic Furniture From Anthropologie. Here's a gorgeous living room example of how you can pull the elements together. I love that old rustic wooden coffee table, as well as that chic off white sofa. It's clean but textural at the same time. The shape is nice and simple, classic and refined.
I am in love with the interior design of the bedroom above. This is why I really love log cabin furniture because it creates drama and I feel that it gives a romantic appeal to a room. The colors and the architecture of the bedroom are perfect for the rustic concept.